I can't see how that is remotely what he needs. For one, it is a single nozzle, so exactly where do you intend to put that?......Two, its a wet kit. MrP has a 100% ready to go system control built into the ECU he has to control a DRY kit. All MrP needs is a simple plate under the throttle body and a nitrous solenoid. Activate the nitrous controls in the ECU and spray it dry. If he wanted to, you put a solenoid on each bar in the plate and you have a two stage


Monte.. saying that I do this... what size jet of
nitrous would be like a 100hp.. and I'm guessing
that that the O2 will correct the fuel in time to
not lean it out so bad that it hurts something... then
also, how much timing do you pull for a 100 shot(4*)..
I do like the idea of using both bars but most likely
wont.... but you never know... LOL