



I have no clue how fast those cars run... on or off the track.. But I do know they have raised the bar this year and will be much faster than last year..

But from an outsider point of view and watching the show from the comforts of my lazyboy, I'd say the top 5 racers are in the 4 second range and the bottom half is probably in the mid 5 to low 6 second range..

With my car geared for the 1/4 mile and having this rank amateur (me) tuning it, I've run 5.80's in practice runs.. and yeah, its on the track and not on the streets, but still with a little practice and a little bit of tuning, I could probably make the sled go down the street once or twice.. So I'm confident I'd be somwhere on the list, maybe not quite as high as 6th.. but somewhere..

In fact, I did offer up the Duster to a racer that was invited on the show when the OKC boys were here in Cali... He wrecked his car during test hits and I offered to let him drive the Duster in its place.. Except he had officially stepped down and gave up his spot..

I doubt any of them are in the 6 second range

I would even think the farm truck would be at least in the high 5's

I bet low 5s

You no I was talking to a co-racer yesterday bout this and he seems to think that the farm truck can't be that fast due to the wind resistant, but be did think that the truck was a lot lighter than we think(secret sh*t).