

BTW, nice groundbreaking on this topic and and for sharing your homework.

Revisions..... Revisions.......

I'm thinking less is more. 42 LED's, spread out a bit.... might look and work better. Let me & the Dog run out to the garage and solder this up.

He helps me.....

Truck-Lite was one of the first companies to release LEDs for HD trucks, and their initial 4" round S/T/T light had, coincidentally, 42 LEDs. As the product matured/improved, they were able to drop that down to 6 LEDs via optics in the lens and mini-reflectors around each LED. They even had a single 'super LED' version for awhile but I think it went disco, possibly due to reliability issues (if that 1 LED goes out, the light is dead and a DOT issue) or because it looked just like a regular light so it had no bling. (although it reduced temptation of theft, and theft of LED lights was an issue when they first came out. They were pretty pricey - I remember LED STT were about $40 each and backing lights were about $80 and that was jobber-price.)

I agree that going to smaller LEDs and a higher qty will decrease the 'bulbiness' of your light. Plus if individual LEDs die (which was a problem with early trucking lites, as the soldering caused issues to the LEDs) you have less of a lighting drop.

It was pretty common in the early days of trucking lites to see lights with a handful of in-op LEDs, but reliability of all the brands (including the overseas stuff) appears to be much better. And cost is down tremendously.