I am glad to hear something worked good for you on your car. It just seems I see you post alot about things on your combo that were not bad but not really up to your snuff or the best it could be. Not picking on you at all just saying I know when something does not feel right about your car you will post and tell us about it and its nice to see this help the car work better for you as sometimes just the little quirks on our own cars can really bother us more then some realize and its nice to hear one feel they got positive results with something they did to their car.

I know from being a tech all my life that many times customers would have small complaints that many techs could not feel or find any problem with the customers cars but I know even from my own cars that sometimes I feel a small problem that I say to myself........ that if I did not drive this car everyday and know how it normally feels I would never feel how it seems a bit different now ? It makes me understand when a customer would tell me there car dont feel right but when I road test their car it feels fine since I dont drive it all the time it would be hard for even a good tech to know it feels just a bit different then normal. And thats where it really takes a good tech to work with the customer and get to the root of the problem. And it sounds like the converter fixed a problem of that type on your car. Glad to hear it runs better to you. Ron

Last edited by 383man; 09/16/14 03:33 AM.