I ordered the converter to match the future changes that I was planning to do. The converter is actually too tight for this 316/326 Lunati cam I have in the engine now. The MP 528 cam I have waiting will be a much better match.
The Gear Vendors unit worked fine but the whole cam, converter, overdrive and final drive combo was out of whack. In the interest of trying to eliminate detonation, I went with a big cam to reduce dynamic compression. This meant a cam that had lots of overlap, a tight LSA and mediocre low speed operation. Rolling down the freeway at 65 in overdrive (Final drive after OD of 3.05) the car felt loose and unresponsive. I decided to just return to the basics of direct drive and a moderate axle ratio. I rarely drive 200 miles or more and when I do, I could swap in a 3.23 or 2.94 gear. I sold the GV to a Moparts member and spent the cash replacing the A/C system in the wifes Honda.
I love this car but I took some wrong turns along the way.