This has been a very informative post --like this site should be. Thanks to all!!
As an engine builder, I will print this out and have it handy when someone calls and says I owe them another engine blah, blah, blah.
I have always found that if the crank thrust surface is right and ther is enough end play then the problem is usually out back--we mix and match these 40 year old parts and highly modified autos to the point where it is no wonder this happens--converters are Usually the issue in my experience on AT cars. Many converter builders have no clue what factory specs are for the critical areas--I am a smart a$$ at times and will ask converter guys--You got factory blueprint specs in the office here? I have most of them for engines in my shop ( the ones that matter anyway)
Great Thread!!
Thanks to the thougtful folks that told of real experiences and were all aiming to be helpful!! Made my evening reading this thread.