
You really did not answer the key question. Will it bog/hesitate at quick part throttle?, or just WOT.

I don't ever really "floor" this car but I can tell you that it bogs at quick part throttle for about a 1/2 second or so and then picks right up and pulls hard. This feels a bit like what I had last year when I had a 32 squirter on the carburetor and I fixed it by going up to eventually settle on the 42. The 32 was the original squirter size and was confirmed to be too small on the dyno by the shop who tuned the engine originally. I tried a 38/40/42 and the 42 seemed to act the most responsive at the time....

In my fuel system troubleshooting I have swapped to a factory style hemi pump with return line/VS (from the Holley w/o return) which seems to be lower pressure according to my fuel pressure gauge. I have no idea if this is affecting anything or not.