Hi guys. I apologize for disappearing for a few days, but, I have been doing everything I could possibly do to figure out this shipping nonsense. Simply put, there is no figuring it out. The prices are set in stone with everyone from USPS, UPS, FEDEX, DHL, etc., etc., and it is disgusting what they are charging. Trust me, I have done literally everything I can do, to figure this out, and the numbers are not changing for the better.

So, I am left with a decision that will probably not be too popular with most of you, but, I truly hope that you will understand, and at the end of the day, realize that my intentions were nothing but the best. In crunching the numbers, I have made the decision to ship the dashes to western states, California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, etc.

I have 10 orders where I asked for payment, as your dash is ready, and/or been shipped, regardless of where you live. Those of you have already sent payment, and have been given tracking numbers.

For those of you that I have not asked for payment, unless you live in the west, I will not be asking for payment. I cannot begin to say how bad this makes me feel, as, once again, my intentions were to help the Mopar crowd. I will take the blame for thinking that the shipping would not be so outrageous. It is on me, and for that, I apologize. This is not a business venture for me, and I was not looking to make a profit, but, I was also not looking to pay out of pocket either, which has already begun. Having said that, I can hang my hat on the fact that I kept my word/obligation to those in the east/south that I received payments from, and their dashes have been shipped.

Now, I am left with dashes that, fingers crossed, some guys in Western states will be interested in?

I have always felt as if I had a decent reputation on this board, and feel that I have helped several of you, in answering questions/offering advice in PM's that have been sent over the years. I hope that this situation will not tarnish that.
