
Of course no 440 B-bodies's in 66 Bob. You know what I meant with that post
*I love to see new information, have your brother Tony post a copy of his Broadcast sheet, Id love to see it!

No,I'am not a mind reader Scott.I just corrected your correction.As far from new information,it maybe new to you but it's old shitz for me and Tony.I have more files and information from the Chrysler from years before you were born.If you think that we would produce a broadcast sheet from a car bought 47 years ago just to satisfy your ego or are you just trying to prove me wrong.You and others claim to be the experts and make many incorrect statements and put them out as facts.Most every broadcast sheet stayed with the cars and are a holy grail for a hemi car,to keep one and not the car would be a sacrilege and cause to be crusified.Of course you knew that and that's why you asked for it.Truth be told at one time Tony and I considered you as a friend and tried to be helpful in educating you but you let you ego get the best of you and put yourself on a pedestal.Tony and I have been playing with Chrysler cars since the 50s and racing since the 60s as well as working for various Chrysler dealership in sales and mechanics.We operate BGR which is a over 15,000 sg,ft.Mopar specialize shop.Never have we ever claimed to be gurus but we certainly have what is most valuable,hands on experience.Experience comes with age and years of knowledge not with what one has read or thinks.Hopefully you can accept my remarks not as an attack but to help you learn from the oldtimers that know and be respectfull,you might find you can gain our knowldge and our respect.