


If it's not spinning the tires all the chassis work in the world isn't going to do much. I would concentrate on why it's down on power. Does it bog? 4.10 with 30" tire isn't helping. If the gear is what you have, try to borrow a shorter set of tires. What intake? What size PTC is it, 9"? 3800 flash seems pretty low with that many cubes. Where is the timing? I don't agree that 99 mph is 10.70, That's optimal. My street car runs [Email]7.0@100[/Email] with low 1.50 60 ft. Most bracket cars I see might go 6.90 at that speed. The basic parts are all there.Right now it looks like it's making about 600HP. That combo should be good for more HP.

I agree, if its not spinning the tires all the chassis work in the world wont work.

Also the 99 mph 1/8th would be a optimal setup for a 10.70 in the 1/4.

If you take into account the slow 60 ft and it still was able to hit 99 mph 1/8th, whats it going to run when it does 60 ft./ not bog off the line. Typically a car running around 100 mph 1/8th will pick up around 24 mph or so on the back half. Thats around a 10.75 optimal, add in the bad 60 ft. aspects and this car is a sub 10.70 car potential in the 1/4 when it gets online.

That vert is flashing to low for that 520 combo. This car has some kind of tune issue coming off the line IMO. But you cant rule out a vert problem either.

I would think that its way down on power on the low
end to cause a low stall(well below the torque)...
I would/will ask if the cam was degreed in and what
is it at... the conv might be just a real low stall
for the engine... but before I trashed it I would
sure want to know more about the cam.... and with
a tall tire it only makes things worse if the cam
is retarted... it would take too much time to spin up

cam is installed at 106 as per the manufacturers recomendatiom.but it does rev kinda slow,it realy doesnt seem to come on till about 3000 or so.

Last edited by bonefish; 03/24/14 09:08 PM.