


cam is installed at 106 as per the manufacturers recomendatiom.but it does rev kinda slow,it realy doesnt seem to come on till about 3000 or so.

Are you SURE... did you put it in... all the actions
tend to say its retarted.... or even the cam is
made wrong to the specs... by chance did you check
each lobe

yes i put it in and checked it several times but i will admitt im not real experienced.i did not check each lobe.but it is real lazy on the hit when i rev it.i installed a AF guage and its right about where it needs to be and gets a good shot from the carb.i tried slowin down the pump shot and it just made it worse.i never thought about the cam bein the prob but it kind feels like it could be.

What carb cam color are you using and did you try
larger squirters

havnt done that ill have to order some.its got the standard pump cam that doms come with,cant remember the color but i can look tomorrow.