
I know every one of those cars well. Years ago, with Stock/Super Stock combo running at E-Town, and at the time there being no breakout, the Bennett & Siriani car would sit alone in the staging lanes for a half hour. We had to flip coins to see who would pull in second, insuring a guaranteed loss. B & S had everyone covered by a mile! Bernie Agaman and Claude Urevig were just as fast.

Also, I think Jim Lovallo got out of his Chevy and into (I believe) the Lupo/Dupree/Croteau car, or perhaps a Max Wedge car before the Cuda came into the picture for Lupo.

This is insane: I could go on all night with this! (And it doesn't get any better than that!) If you have not already done so, go to my website (link below) and click on Moparcheology at the top. Then click on Vintage Mopar Drag Racing for more cool stuff.

Bill Rolik