Just curious how many racers shift without using the tach ? I try to but it seems I always like to shift by the sound and feel of the eng. I went racing in Oct and drove to the track. I put two time runs and two eleimination passes on my 63 and I even surprised myself how consisdent it was since it was my first time racing it almost two years and after driving to the track I never lifted the hood when racing. Its basically stock suspension with SS springs and 90/10 shocks up front. After my first pass of 10.81 when I felt it spin a bit it ran 10.76 three passes in a row. I had a blast that day and did not drive home a first round looser. I did loose to my brother in the second round even though I went 10.76 on my 10.75 as he killed me with his .012 lite to me .078. Just thought I would post the slips and maybe some others will while its slow here in the winter time and give us something to talk about. Ron

This was my time passes as I am car #201.