

not the best video or sound quality but I bet my neighbors loved it lol. trying to decide if I like the way the cam sounds im thinkinging about changing it. I know its either putting one dominator on it or going with a tunnel ram

You have a 700hp 484" Hemi and you're wanting to swap cams because of the sound???? You're on crack! It sounds like it's supposed to! If you want a Joe Dirte "lopey" idle, put some small tube headers on it along with 2" exhaust and some really restrictive mufflers....

Contrary to popular belief, the camshaft is not what makes a "lopey" idle....it's the exhaust system....Have you ever seen/heard a car with zoomies have a "lopey" idle??? NOPE....and you never will no matter what camshaft is in it....


so how do you explain that when you change cams from the stock one, and it idles fine, and then put a bigger one it, it lopes?? Everything remained the same except the cam????

Have to say, never heard this before.