
mild 360 in my '71 Dart with a 26" radiator (with shroud and flex fan) is running hot... takes about 20 minutes of driving but it gets up to about 235 degrees (even when it's 35 degrees out).. I tried a new radiator cap - same problem...

What's the most effective way for me to troubleshoot to determine whether there's a blockage in the radiator or in the block - or if there's something else going on?

If it's the radiator, I'm just gonna buy one of the Champion aluminum units sold here by a member for less than $200 delivered.. I just want to make sure that's the issue before I drop another $200

Please don't buy a new radiator yet.

First get rid of the flex fan, it won't work and it won't last.

IMO Run a real mopar fan, I use the "216" fan, but there is another MP fan sold that works way better than any flex fan.

Please start there.