
This is an old picture but these have worked great for about 8 years. I don't remember the model number though.

That looks like the 240 puller, though I may be wrong. Fairly thin. Works great on my Toyota, but might not pull enough air on a BB. The RR also has Flex-a-lite fan, though it's the 480/490 model. Same size shroud and fan diameter, but thicker motor on each. Pulls a s***load of air through it.

Nice thing about the Flex-a-lites is parts availability. Just replaced the fan blades on the 240 unit in the Toyota this summer after 10 years. Bought 'em from Summit.

Motor housings just barely clear the nose of the water pump pulley on the RR, but they straddle it, so still LOTS of room.

Flex-a-lite controller is digital, so ramps up power draw slowly without spiking.

Controller on Toyota is http://www.dccontrol.com/constant_temperature_controllers.htm FK-35 unit which apparently is not made anymore, but the FK-55 unit is identical (and probably capable of higher power throughput, I'm guessing). Been in the heat of the engine bay for over 10 years and still going strong. Also digital, so ramps up power slightly without spiking.