The calipers and hoses are original. The Rear pads were worn the same on both sides. The truck does not swerve or pull to either side under any braking condition.
I understand the idea that the front brakes could quickly overheat if the rears were not working. I checked the rotors with the wheels still on and couldn't see any discoloration that may indicate a hot spot. Maybe a visual check wasn't adequate.
Here is a weird fact: The rears went 119,000 miles before the pads touched the rotors. I was commuting 226 miles per day and I got behind on maintenance. The fronts lasted longer than the rear. I replaced the front pads at about 124,000 miles. When have you ever seen REAR brakes wear out before the fronts?
I'll readily admit that I am an aggressive driver. I like to corner hard and that certainly means that I am on the brakes a bunch.
I'm pulling the rotors in a few minutes. I'm going to ask the guy to check them for runout before doing any work to them.