
The problem only happens after the brakes are warmed up and yes, it does get worse the more I use the brakes. They are Mopar rotors from Autowest Dodge. I replaced them a few months ago and all was fine with them until a few weeks ago. There are several times in my drive home where I encounter slowdowns, going along at 70 then down to below 20 in short distances. I suppose it is quite possible that the fronts may have warped.

Have you by any chance checked to see if the rear calipers may be seized???
If the rears aren't working, then the poor front brakes are doing all the stopping.....I bet you just few weeks of driving like that would cause the fronts to fail from the excess heat.
And.....Mopar rotors are good parts....sure you can get aftermarket good ones too, but a lot of the aftermarket ones now are offshore junk...stay FAR away from those!!!!