As pointed out by Rob, yes this has been a ongoing series of threads on another board. I've thought maybe some new opinions would help trigger something.

As for the car being timed at 24* initial. Its because I only have 12* of mechanical in my dizzy. I did the mopar muscle dizzy upgrade. to try to fix my issue. For some reason it really limited my mechanical. My dizzy was exactly the same as the one in the arcticle along with the plate. I have thought about buying a new one, but the guy that curved my dizzy said there is nothing wrong with it.

I brought my carb to a performance shop today just to have them look at it. He upped my primaries to 69 and left the secondaries alone for the time being. He also changed my power valve to a 4.5, and the squirter to a 31.

I reassembled the carb and took for a drive. No change on the dead stop start/low end but man the response driving it is so much better.

While talking to him he is pretty sure the converter has a issue. Especially since I told him that it bogs and dies if I take my foot off the gas while doing a brake stand. He thinks the converter is way to tight or something wrong with it. You certainly wouldnt think a new converter would have issues but obviously one other member has had something very similar happen.

I sure wish I had my old converter to try, but that was scrapped.