


Have you thought about seeing how it behaves with a single four intake or street Hemi?

That would tell a lot.

Definitely thought of that, but I don't know anyone with a single 4 bbl intake manifold that I could try. And honestly right now I can't afford to purchase one. I could come up with a carb pretty easy.

We have a few in stock if you would like to try one.Stop by the shop some day.I don't want to speculate what your problem is but I'am sure you will find the issue.If your at any of the races and we are there just stop by and myself or one of our racers will be happy to help you trouble shoot your problem.


Your more than welcome to come by my house(shop). Not sure how far off Strongsville is. I have a couple different set-ups you could test.

Last edited by 52savoy; 09/08/13 12:12 AM.

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