
Well i think i spoke too soon, after putting close to 100 miles on the car, I must say I am fairly happy with the ride of the 1 inch t-bars and polly bushings. It is firm but not overly harsh. I can not say the sam about the rear suspension....that is next on the list.

Most importantly, the wife even theough that it rode better then last year...so that is cool.

Now, that beign said, I have not got the sway bar installed yet, and I did not push it around any corners due to the effort of the manual steering, and I am not to happy with the alignment, just does not feel right.

The car pulls to the right, and seems to have a bit of a soft spot or dead spot when the wheel is centered...and that is after I adjusted the play out of steering box.

Just for fun, here are the alignment specs...

Caster DR - 3.3 PS -2.3

Camber DR +.15 PS 0

Toe DR -.12 PS -.08

All in all , I think my greatest need, is to switch to power steering.


With those alignment specs, you will probably have it pull to one side, get the camber and caster the same then get them where they need to be. Tim

1941 Taylorcraft
1968 Charger
1994 Wrangler
1998 Wrangler
2008 Kia Rio
2017 Jetta

I didn't do 4 years and 9 months of Graduate School to be called Mister!