

Whoa...the exhaust back pressure is probably insane on that turbo on a 318"!!! That might have been part of your hg issue right there.

You should have bought two of those turbos. .lol

The purpose of the whole build is to just give a little smogger motor a little kick in the pants. I'm not looking to make a 500hp fire breathing bb killer. Set up as it is though it makes almost as much hp at 2000rpm as it did na. It probably would get off the dyno alive if I push it much harder, the machinist?? that built it liked to grind notches in the rod beams to mark which side faced out. I'm hoping to have some gaskets by midle of next week, phase II will then start on the 318 torture test.Dave
(Mods, we need a little mushroom cloud icion)

Notches in the rods.... thats gonna hurt.... BOOM