Another thing that sunk in today is that the slight clocking change that the Magnum pump has versus the earlier pumps IS a big deal. What it does is change the location of the pivot point on my new bracket, a detail that makes my neat new bracket useless. Puts the pivot bolt right through the outer edge of the pump reservoir, which ain't so good. You can see the clocking difference here:

Magnum on the left, LA pumps in the middle and on the right. This also means that the LA pump I'm using now HAS to have the reservoir swapped to the grungy one in the middle to get the return line in close to the right place, AND, I have to ditch my on-pump cooler and go with the B-van grille-mounted cooler. Not as tidy a solution, by a long shot. Crap.

And on those high notes, I called it an evening. Besides, it was dead still 90* air in the garage, lots of mosquitos out, and I kept spilling PS fluid every time I turned around. I swear those pumps MAKE fluid... Hopefully better news to follow soon.


Last edited by Clair_Davis; 06/17/05 12:22 AM.