Well as I mentioned many time in the past these promoters were on a path of selfdistruction.The way they schudled events,brought personal drama to public attention,mistreated the people that attended and played games with rules and payouts along with an aready uncertain economy it was only a matter of time before the support would drop of.
Personally we enjoyed a long run with the Blankenship family,7 of the last 8 years hosting the Curt Memorial Race at PRP.We have the utmost respect for Chris,Eddie and the crew but the last few years Charlie's attitude strained the relationship and PRP decided that they would not tolerate Curt's memory, their track and crew being disrespected.The first CC event that Jeff Johnson hosted at PRP was his last for being disrespectfull of the track personal and when the Tedescos ask us to put together the first Curt Memorial Race shortly after his death,which we did with only two weeks to prepare.Jeff decided to negatively comment via the internet his opinion of the event and we felt that was very disrespectful of Curt's memory and to our family.For this he has never apologized and I can never in my heart support his events.
The new management at PRP was slow to respone to plan the event and a lot was left up in the air and it was uncertain weather there would be a 2013 race we were concerned.Norm Fox from Quaker City contacted us about hosting the event since he understood Curt started his racing career at Quaker and it was his home track for many years.
We are pleased that the event will continue and hope to see all our old friends and meet new ones at this event.
As far as Charlie,Jeff,Larry and others we can only wish them success and good health.We want also to thank all those who attend and support the upcomming Curt George Memorial Race.