I won the mopower events super pro event at Kilkare last year and won a 575.00 and it cost me 90.00 to enter

This year we were lied to about the ladder and it put myself and my team car against each other in the first round.

The ladder was set but A dragster broke and left the race track so we went to the tower and asked them to take him off the ladder (per the rules) even though It gave my team car a by run in round 1 if they left that broke car on the ladder. We were told they were in contact with the broke car's owner by phone and he was coming back. We asked them again because if they were to take the broke car off the ladder that put myself and my team car against each other 1st round and we were going to spray away from each other. They said no he stays on the ladder he is coming back. Well guess what at the last minute they changed the ladder when we had no more hits at qualifying. We went to the tower and asked why they put the screws to us and They said it was Blankenships call not the towers so we went to Charlie and he said it was the towers call. The next day we called the broke cars owner and He said He spoke to no one before or after he left

But it was always like that change the rules to benefit someone they liked and screw everyone else.

I met almost all of my best friends at the cc events and that is cool but I could not give less of a $hit about the series.

After Columbus this year We had a team meeting and decided to never run the mopower events again. That's nine race cars, We figured we gave them better part of two grand every event for the last 10 years only to get lied to.

I will very much miss the racers but not the promoter.

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!