Just wanted to share what our daughter wrote and her feelings of the series ending. this is coming from a 24 year old young women who took her first picture by our 70 AAR Cuda at the Chrysler Classic at one month old.

Like Melissa states you can race anywhere, however, it is the racers who make a difference. The racers need to stick together stay as a racing family. Or more series will die just like the MO-POWERS EVENTS did. Lot of people did not care for Charlie, but, there were a lot of people that he did not have bad feelings with. We supported the series highly the biggest reason is we did not want to see it die like it has we wanted to keep it going.

Melissa Amber Kwast

So much has happened this week. I am celebrating anniversaries with the people that mean the most to me, and I am mourning the loss of a racing series that was important. I met most of my closest friends at the Chrysler classic turned mopower events races. Although I understand that everything comes to an end, I am still very sad to see it go. I have laughed, cried, had some of the best times, and certainly some of the worst at those series, but the people I raced with always stayed the same. They are more than friends, they are another family. I met my best friends, I fell In love (twice), and I gained a lifetime of supporters. Everyone says you can just go race anywhere, and yes they are right you can, but although the racing is the same, the people are not. Most of these people have watched me grow up. They watched me when I raced a 98 dodge neon, and still cheered me on. They saw the huge mess of me learning to drive the dart. Tomorrow marks 10 years that brian hurst and I have been best friends, and he is only one of many who remember when I did not even drive. Now look at us, all of us. Some have been racing the same car since the beginning, and some have moved on to bigger and better, but we always stuck together. Thank you to the Johnson's for starting it, and thank you to the Blankenship's for keeping it going this far. So now we have to ask, what's next? Where do we go from here?