

Do the nozzles clog easily if you don't use the whole can at one time?

thats why i hate spray bombs and
i would rather use a gun..

I turn the can upside down and spray a little till the nozzle clears to store when I'm done with it. That helps 90% of the time to insure it's gonna spray next time you need it.

Then if I'm really concerned about the tip I'll do the above, then pull it off and toss it a spray can top full of lacquer thinner. Let it soak for minute. Then take my air hose and blow the nozzle out, might do it twice and no need to let it soak for hours because it's plastic. Never fails to spray like new next time I need it. Can't do this with much success after the paint dries in the nozzle, then it's a waist of time in my mind.

Lastly I recently grabbed a partial can of Eastwoods chassis black from about 2008 and it sprays fine and I didn't do the lacquer cleaning last time I used it.

I was justifying spray cans in mind when I was doing my car in 2005 that it would be better than what the factory used originally(some parts were bare or lightly covered in cosmoline) and has held up good.

Like what was said, prep is everything.