

Will a 727 converter work in the 518 trans? Wondering if I had a 518 w/ an UltraBell on it to fit behind my hemi, could I use my current converter in it?

What year 518s only need the switch to turn the OD on?
Stupid question...the 518 doesn't need a computer to run it?

Sorry for the hijack Ray.

No... the standard 727 and the 518 type pumps use
a different drive lug set up... if you change the
input shaft and the pump you can use the 727 conv
BUT you loose the lock up when doing this(the pump
and conv for a 518 have oil paths that turn on the
clutch in the conv to have lock up)... there are 2
versions of 518... the late 80s has a single wire plug
and the early 90s has a 3 wire plug to control the
OD and or lock up... the single wire is what you
really want because it was a OD ONLY(no lock up) and
the 3 wire has both the OD and lock up but if you want
a high stall you nee to change the pump... if you
find a 518 that has the 7 pin connector that HAS to
use a trans controller(computer controller)... the
1 pin and 3 pin versions are what they call the "H"
version.. thats a hyd operated set up.. the 7 pin
is called a "E" version(electronic controlled)

Thats not entirely true - there is a 3 pin 518 that uses a 727 converter ( it's a non lockup version ) and I have it bolted up to an early hemi. I didnt want the lockup or the different converter and this was my best option.

They are hard to find, I forget the specifics , but i found one locally as a core.