Thanks for the help guys! I went ahead and replaced all four (both sides) with new stainless hardware and used the blue locktight on them so hopefully no issues in the future!

I torqued them to 50 ft-lbs and did some massaging of the sway bar and its mounts, rebulubed the bushings, etc.

I had a slight front end clunk on some turns before and now that's gone as well!! I tok it out to an empty lot and did some driver's ed type stuff and she is silent! Oh yeah, and doesn't change lanes when I hit the brakes!

Thanks for the help and reassurance, guys! And yes, for those who don't know, 73 was a major turning point for the B-body suspension....totally different from the 72-before setups....makes getting good aftermarket parts hard for us later 3rd gen guys as we share the same suspension as the later B-bodies Cordobas, etc through 78 or so.