Just trying to warn anyone thinking of ordering anything from them not to waste your time or money! I have had a hood on order from them for 10 weeks now and everytime I call I get a different story. Three weeks ago he said it was done and waiting to be shipped, two weeks ago he was finishing it up and shipping it out. Last week he was waiting on the truck to pick it up. I called him Monday and was told it shipped out last Friday. I call him today to see where its at since I only live about 3.5 hours away and he said I will have to find out. I get a call back saying it was damaged in shipping on tuesday and the trucking company never called anyone to tell them. Now I'm told that it will ship out on Monday after he makes the repairs to it today and I will have it on Tuesday. I have read other post about there service but really had no choice because he was the only one that made the part I needed. Everytime I call its a different story. I told him I would drive up there tomorrow and pick it up or to get my money back and now he swears it will be done and at my house next Tuesday. I got the feeling he has not even made it and now is rushing to get it done before I get mad enough to show up at his shop. What would you guys do? I'm trying to be patient but I can only take so much BS from this guy.