
The part that baffles me - Why would Chrysler send these cars out for such a simple procedure?

I have heard two versions of the 'story'.

1. They were shipped out to Creative for this, but that same source said that the AAR & T/A hoods were made at Creative, but they were marked 'Made in Canada'.

2. That a 'tool' for this modification was designed by Creative for use in the plant on the Cudas. This source said that it was used on all AARs, when it is clearly not the case looking at original sheet metal cars.

So, proof anyone? I would love to see it if it exists.

1.)T/A & Six Pac hoods were designed not built at Creative.I worked on several designs (at least 6).Only the prototypes were built at Creative.They very well could have used the Canadian hoods without scoops as a starting point.
2.)Never did T/A fender get modified at Creative.Tools never left Creative and the T/A's did not need the fender mods.
3.)All the Cuda's (bulk of the 70 production)reworked at Creative had the wheel lips mouldings.(until about March 70 when work ended at Creative.

There is only one story,the truth.My memory is just fine and I checked with my partner and others who worked with me on the Cuda's to verify anything I have posted over the years.

I know the truth does not fit the experts "story" Guess what, they were and are wrong.For years they made up stories to fit what they had been telling their customers.mags etc.
I also have tried several times to access the paperwork (if there is any).The present owners of Creative will not allow me to access the Creative records.That is ongoing.Camera's were not allowed in Creative.This was hardly an easy modification on the assy line.Damage to the fenders would have been huge.That is why Creative did the mods.
Proof? There it is,not enough for you but the truth.

Leave the gun.......take the Cannoli's....Mike