I did not want to post on this again,, as your not letting us help you by posting what parts your starting with..... but you are obviously a new racer and time and time again we lose new people to the hobby because the learning curve/curse hit's there wallet WAY harder then they like or needs to be..........

Re- reading this post.. one I agree you don't need (nor want) a big cam like a .590 to run 10.90's... 245 @ .050 255 @ .050 will get you into the mid 10's on most combo's. Mine is .518 lift...

High RPM to run 10.90's...... not unless your running a 273 or 318......
6500 area would probably a real good starting point with a 360 or 340

Dyno... Ya you can learn stuff........ But for what you are doing ... I don't see the necessity.......