
I'm sure it was a deal. But, 4.125" bore. That's it. I remember a few years ago once the R3 had came out I could buy the original R blocks for $600 a peice all day long. They will go 4.125" bore with no proble. But, the mopar guys said but so and so says I have to have an R3.

This Chevy block is cheap because they are having trouble selling them. Supply and demand. They have a large supply and can not get a big price. SO they are selling them off cheap. Not to say it is not a good buy or anything.

I'am not an expert on blocks but I just bought one and Dam it looks nice to me and they go 4.165 My builder had nothing but good things to say about it. Iam thinking about getting a second one for a back up as i have two rotating assemblies for my new little ride. Also let me add to this to say the Chevy guys do have it good as there is so many parts to pick from it is Fun picking them.