

200* isn't dangerously hot. But if you have a 180* t-stat, then it's unusual and may need attention. If the cooling system is working properly, it should rarely go above 180* or whatever your t-stat spec is.

That is exactly opposite of how a thermostat works. The thermostat controls the MINIMUM temperature, not the maximum.

Ahh, right.



if it cools good at highway or even long steady city speeds,the cooling system is working(Rad is good) but at idle or crawling along in hot weather You are not drawing enough air through the rad...hence the fan issue...so if the fan is not spinning enough to draw air...the clutch is weak and should be replaced.

1 exception may be a clogged up radiator (water flow restriction). Mine would get too warm in traffic/at idle, but would cool down at speed. Took a look inside and the passages I could see were pretty clogged, almost closed. Had it flow tested and it was verified by the rad shop as being severely clogged up.

Mine would run fine at highway speeds and heat up through town or at idle. I installed a new 26" aluminum rad and it was much better. I also installed a smaller water pump pulley to speed up the fan and the water flow and that also helped. Now it will idle almost indefinitely and stay at 180.

To the OP, I would just ditch the fan clutch and run a fixed fan. Fixed fans put a little more stress on the engine and rob a little HP, but nothing you will notice and they won't fail and cook your engine.