First of all I would like to thank everyone that showed up to run the quick 32.The number of cars were greater than expected.I will say that Im very sorry for anyone that got bumped out of the 32 car field.I promise you that no one wanted to make that call.We all showed up to watch fast cars run.These calls are not easy nor any fun to make.I will go as far as to say if anyone of you can come up with a way to make everyone in the class happy with one set of rules I would reward you with a $1000. bonus and Im sure Josh would be very greatful also.If there is one thing I have learned from the past 3 events its that no matter how great the event may be YOU CAN NOT PLEASE EVERYONE.It sucks but its true.Thank you all once again.

Last edited by Hitman340; 09/25/12 10:04 PM.