I know it does not matter now but here is what happens at the MATS. It is a Q16, fastest 16 cars get in, door cars or dragsters does not matter. The ones who do not make the Q16 are absorbed back to Pro or S/Pro and given a refund for the difference in entry between Q16 and thier respective class. Maybe a similar format might eleviate the confusion or future issues. IMO a Q16 or 32 SHOULD be run wirth the quickest cars out there period. But the non qualifiers should be allowed to run somewhere. MATS also has low qualifier monies for Pro and S/Pro. But if you get bumped back to one of those classes you are not eligible for that money. A call you have to make as a racer when you enter the Quick race. I have raced both and collected low qulaifier S/Pro moneies as well there.

I do agree that the wording in the rules does sound like they should have been allowed to run. Given that I think they shoudl be given some sort of consideration since apparently things changed on the grounds considering the posted rules. I do not agree with seperating the door cars and dragsters. If your door car cannot cut it then you do not deserve to be in the winners circle. IMO Q32 or Q16 races shoudl be laddered based on qualifying and not segregated by whether a car has doors or not. Just my

Josh wish I could come and run your races. In quick and 10.5 but it is just to far. We may try St Louis this next year if the stars align.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"