I just checked out your website...I see that you have capability to digitize and cnc....so it is possible that you may end up seeing my head anyway. I have been looking to find someone with these capabilities that would be interested in doing other than their in house work. Seems as though most people with these machines either have a backlog of customers or just arent interested in doing the job for someone on a one-off level....or if they do the price is ridiculous. As I mentioned...if you have been folloeing this thread...I have been working on this design for over two years..I have had ups and downs....initial test in 2010 was around 380...I was hoping for 400.....I kept setting small goals and when I would reach them I would push for more....somewhere along that timeline it became a quest to see just how far I could push the port within the factory parameters...I will admit that it is more than just making the hole bigger...comparatively it isn't an overly large port.....as can be proved by the velocity...it has an average calculated velocity of near 335fps.....local measured velocities are much higher...through the throat/valve a little slower....there are some contours within the port that have had LARGE effects on the flow and also its quality....changing said contours can drastically alter both aforementioned and can drop the flow to the range of 430ish.....Thgis is exactly the reason I was trying to find someone to digitize and copy once the port is finished...whenever that may be....I feel that it will be very hard if not impossible to duplicate...at least in some sort of a timely and efficient manner...a whole set of heads by hand.....mind you that only preliminary exhaust work was done so there is a whole other hole that needs research and testing first. So I apologize if I may have been a bit rude...I understand your reluctance...but I have dedicated a large part of my life to this over the course of the last few years..I don't claim to have just sat down with a grinder in hand, spent a few hours making it bigger and achieve 460+ cfm...there have been A LOT of LONG days, late nights, early mornings and WHOLE weekends spent testing, grinding, filling, testing, starting over.......again and again and again....the thumbscrew onthe top of the brand new dial indicator I bought when I started this head has a divot of nearly .125" worn into it from the valve actautor.....So again..I do really respect both your opinion and your reluctance....but it is not without just a small amout annoyance...I hope you can understand.
