Thanks for all the replys guys. A lot of good points have been raised.
First off, it is NOT a workmans comp deal, although the short term disability folks tried every way to get me to say it was done at work. Truth is, I don't know what caused it.
Second, it is a work place CYA deal. Like my doctor told me, everyone knows you have a knee problem, but if you were allowed to return to work and stumbeled into a fan blade or something, then it would be their a$$. (doctors words, not mine).
Also when you go on short term disability, you have to wait 7 calender days before getting compensation. So if I WERE allowed back to work until the surgery, I would have another waiting period. Being on short term disability means you can't perform your job at this time, but it doesn't mean you are totally useless. Would it be OK to go fishing? or go to the casinos? or go to a baseball game? The problem is the perception.
I have help loading and unloading and even to take the car to the staging lanes. I climbed into my car today, and although I was able to get in it, I don't think I can do it all day long. One day at a time...

Brian Dunnigan