833, I've never worked with, but hear they are heavy!! I'd use a jack.

727, I used a jack.

T-56, I slid under the truck, tipped the gearbox up and slid myself under it, then pulled it up onto my chest, then I benchpressed the gearbox up into the bell housing and into position. it was very easy, but that gearbox even though it's big, only weighs about 70-75 lbs. I probably push more weight than that when I'm doing a pushup, and for my annual fitness test I have to knock out about 60 in a minute

I did my NV3500 the same way, it's about the same as the T-56 as far as weight, but has that big ole bell housing cast into the case...actually made it easier. gave a nice solid "handle" to grab it and secure the trans with a good grip to angle and wiggle it into position through the clutch.

never thought about losing an eye doing it, but ouch, and yea, I could see that happening. I never pushed up though, unless I had a very firm grip on the gearbox first, and felt like I could maneuver it around as needed.

as I get older though, and not as strong...I may find myself suing hydraulics more and more

**Photobucket sucks**