
That 75 mph kink might not have been so bad if the bump hadn't been there to unload the suspension. I'll bet it got your attention though. I tried running a rear bar in the 'Cuda, but it was just too "busy". I can see where with your level of experience using a light rear bar on a tight circuit could be beneficial in getting some rotation. As for going flat through the "kink" at Road America, I think those guys must have to get size xxx large when shopping for athletic supporters. Not sure what the gals wear.

Yes it got my attention! I was in the wrong placement on the track. Plus I got on it too much, too early with the new big motor.

I really needed to be more over to the right where the bump is not so pronouced. The bump actually fans out to the left. It's a notorious spot on Big Willow that bites quite a few. The instructors go over this every time. I certainly got bit!