

as a person that has spent days on end without any sleep in 06 and 08 drag week, this is a poor excuse for not making it.

there are guys on this site that spent 16 straight hours trying to help Eddie get his car ready the day before drag week 09

twice I worked on Eddies car for 15 straight hours after a 10 hour ride to his place and leave at the last second to drive 22 hours to get to Drag Week just in time

this is 3 years of you making claims that you are going to bring a bad ass mopar and have failed to do it. and this excuse is just the worst.

In the past three weeks, I have completely torn apart my engine, sweating my a$$ off, don't have 2 pennies to rub together, yet still dumped $1200 in my slow junk just to make the show

all hype. the car made magazines for doing nothing like most do.

Right this minute I'm waiting for my good friend and his girl and kids to show up and stay the weekend at my house and spend some time at the beach. I met this good friend at Drag Week 06 and spent many sleepless nights helping him on the side of the road.

did you read what kind of effort Leon and Billy's family put in to making the show?

DJ, I am sorry, but I just don't think you have it in you

Mr. P, this in no way is directed at your situation. I know your on a fixed income. IMO, If you want to play with the big boys, less talk more action

i have to agree here. if its important to you, you find a way. if its not, you find excuses. Eric Yost broke a rod in his brand new 7 second car less that 5 days ago,while testing. tore some sh!t up... i bet he is there.


Forget that I want to do Drag Week because when I am ready I'll just show up. This will be my last post here so it doesn't seem like I'm blowing allot of wolf tickets at you guys. I'm just trying to have a fast Mopar first and foremost. Pops warned me of being so public about my ride and I just wanted to share it with you all and possibly learn from some of the guru's on here. I can't help that I'm currently in Germany and my car is in Oklahoma and me my guys caught a major problem the day before Labor day weekend and a week out from Drag Week. I thought us Mopar guys are suppose to stick together but I guess I need to be real with myself. My boys on here know how to get a hold of me and when I do get the numbers I'm chasing you all will know. For the others, I'll see you around...

https://www.facebook.com/dusterdj572 Check out my race page and like please.