


Been working on getting the 318 in the 68 Newport tuned up. Having issues with it running. Unless you baby the throttle the motor dies. If you also give it more than 60%, it bogs.


From your description it sounds like the accelerator pump has dried out or incorrectly adjusted.


BBD 2-v carbs are that way.

I HATE BBD carbs. Of all of them that I've had over the decades, only ONE of them worked properly, and no amount of rebuilding will correct anything on them!

There was someone, this past summer, selling brand new ones. You'd be way ahead doing this, and even further ahead if you found a 2v Stromberg instead. Of course, 4v is the real ticket, but if you insist on 2v, the Stromberg is a better Mopar carb.

To the poster stating no small blocks in C bodies- you sir, are wrong. Maybe not originally in THAT particular model and year, but there are PLENTY of small block and /6 C bodies made!