Very happy for you! Great story; one you'll enjoy reliving for a long time.

I've come to realize over the years that the story behind obtaining a car, and the experience of getting it home, is nearly as much fun as owning it. I'll never forget driving all the way to Muskogee, OK and buying a 56 Chevy from a Vietnamese guy who'd been in the army during the Vietnam conflict. He put his whole family in a small boat and paddled out to sea just before Saigon fell. All I could think of was what that guy had been through in his life. I remember more of him and his story than I do the car.....he joked with me about being crazy driving all the way from Mn for an old car. I replied "you're the one who paddled out to sea in a row boat". He could laugh about it then.

Great plan you have: Enjoy the GTX!

Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way