

Ladies and Gentalmen,

I have been to most,if not all the Mopar forms within the Internet pool of Blah,Blah Blah. All seem to have the one thing in common "MOPAR".

As a Mopar inthusist,racer,lover of all Mopar, I question myself and you to see if we are stuck are in the stoneage. With many racers,car buff's that are older than dirt(50+),but feel as if they are twenty still, talking about the same crap, thier ego or who has the fastest car,or the smallest tire.

Are you stuck in the 60,70,80,90,20+ with the type of car you have, or is the internet forms you are on dictating your opinion of the stoneage Mopar.
What form do you associate with the most?

I like in order of likeness. fastmopar,moparts,bullet,Abody,

How about the stoneage registration process on fastmopars? I've been waiting for my confirmation email since yesterday.

could it be your spamfilter in you email inbox fighting you?
it usualy is the problem with most website confirmation mails.