Some of us "stone age,older than dirt"are the ones that keep the sport alive and help many of the "young guns" get started and help keep them racing with both finincal help and knowledge.
With out the older generation where would you and the sport be?
Many of us give without asking for anything in return,ego is for ignorant smart azzs that haven't a clue.
Look at all the 2nd and third generation racers,how did they get started?They looked up to their parents and friends that came before them,and with respect.Some people don't know the meaning of the word and make stupid statments.Myself,I cherish those who came before me and appreciate their efforts and knowledge.
PS: I have joined Josh's site also,but also have many friends here on Moparts.I honestly can say that I for one like this site,I go on others as well but I don't need the drama,foul language and nudity to help measure me as a man.It's a free country and I respect everyones different views and adopt a take it or leave it attitude.

Last edited by B G Racing; 01/07/12 10:52 PM.