


...and when this topic has come up before .... someone mentioned that the belts on FIGHTER JETS have a "life" of ... IIRC ... THREE TIMES of the mandate of the SEMA(NHRA).

And it was mentioned that these jets subject the belts to at least TWICE the G-forces that of a TF or FC.

It is just a big money-grab...

The reason the airforce can do that is because the pilot can't sue the airforce if the belts fail. The NHRA does it for 1 reason; due diligence. The $$$ part is just a collateral bonus.


K-Guy from SEARSandROEBUCK ....

Do you think the AF is going to cheap-out on a MULTImillion dollar airplane ?

No more than John Force would cheap out on his belts but Force has to change his every 2 yrs and the AF doesn't. Webbing likely comes from the same place for both sets too. There can't be more than a few companies that make that stuff.

Again it's all about due diligence and the sanctioning body has NO idea how how you maintain your belts. Due diligence is to assume worst case scenario and plan/rule accordingly. Can't be successfully sued that way.
