
The reason that I asked if an ECU can handle a non ballast setup is because when I called FBO and told D that I was using his ECU without a ballast and with a Mallory 12v coil, he said that the ECU will burn up.
This bothers me because I have the manufacturer saying that it will burn up but so far it has not. D knows his ignitions!! I only drive the car about 30-45 minutes at a time so maybe it would on a longer drive.
I am cosidering his new ECU/12v coil and keep my existing items as a backup.

Keep in mind that the brand will take a conservative approach.. The reason is that if something fails people will come back and complain/bad mouth things about their products on the internet..

A short drive of 30-45 minutes is not a real test but take a 2 hour drive down in Phoenix in 112 degree heat,
now guess what the temperature of the ballast resistor is...

The bottom line is that the quality brand ignition parts available today are more capable of handling 12V compared to previous generations.. As long as one avoids the Chinese junker line called P** C**p, or one of the later Orange boxes..

Just my $0.02...