
talking with a buddy and over how you would drive with a manual 2ndary double pumper.

i said its not like a afb/avs vac 2ndary carb,it feathers the transition on the back opening up.

and with a DP,you dont mash it all the way till rpms come up and then stab the rest.

I also say it works better on a stick car with the manual DP

opinions and your way of driveing/luanching/

not really 100% sure what your asking.

i was running a proform 750DP on my 360/904 street car. i drove it like a regular car. it was great. cruised at low speeds great and when ever i want it to go i just put the pedal to the floor boards and the car just got up and went.. my car ran like an injected car.

if you have to feather the throttle then something isn't set up right.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
