

You can't compensate for a cooling system that is at its maximum efficiency by using a colder thermostat.

In the Arizona desert many of us use triple core radiators with 3/8" tubes on 3/8" centers. It is just a simple fact of life that anything less is marginal and will probably fail just when you don't want it to.

Understand and agree with what you and others are saying about that but why have differant heat rating thermostats at all if there is no difference between a 160, 180, 195 or why even have a thermostat if they have no affect on engine running temp or cooling? Would I be better to get an aluminum multi core radiator and electric fan and not run a thermostat in a system like that?

They cannot control temps above the stat rating. No matter what you think. They can help control base temperatures and speed up the time ti takes to get to operating temperatures. It is found that there is more overall efficiency at higher operating temperature. As for the guys putting out more power with a 160 that is all well and good on a limited used type vehicle such as a drag car. You would but out more yet if you could control your engine lubricant temp keeping it at a higher level and cooling your incoming fuel and air mix where your power is made. Also not shooting for clean air efficiency.

Clean it, if it's Dirty. Oil it, if it Squeaks. But: Don't fix it, if it Works!