
Back in the 60-70's, we ran 160 thermostats so it wouldn't overheat on hot days. If your radiator is adeqate, 180 is by far better. 160 only helps with an undersized radiator, and then only until there are really hot days. If you need a 160 thermostat, don't cruise on hot night or take trips more than 60 miles. Been there, done that, got the Tshirt.

A stat can't keep a vehicle from over heating. It was another myth. A stat cannot regulate temps above the stat rating. Once it is open it open whether it is a 160 or a 190. Just like the thermostat in your house cannot regulate the temperature above what the thermostat is set at on a hot day. If you have your stat set a \t 68 and the sun wants to up teh temp to 90 there is no way that the stat can regulate that. (AC equiped house not withstanding)